The Best Time To Join More Harmony? NOW!

The Best Time To Join More Harmony? NOW!
Type of post: Chorus news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Emma Tofi
Status: Current
Date Posted: Tue, 25 Jun 2024

The best time to join more harmony? now!

More Harmony are always on the lookout for new singers to join us, but right now, we feel like there literally couldn't be a better time to take the plunge.  Why?  Read on...

In any group, change is inevitable and here at More Harmony, we all just roll with the punches, knowing that the most important thing will never change: our chorus will always be a friendly, welcoming group who love to sing together.  Whether we're big or small, singing uptunes or ballads, it doesn't matter - our ethos of respect, support and fun remains the same.

This year, we've welcomed some incredible new singers to our ranks, but we remain a very small gang and we recently sat our members down and asked some important questions about what they want out of More Harmony and what our chorus goals should be.  The response was unanimous: we want to grow the chorus, find some rich, lower voices to join our bass section and work together to be the best we can possibly be.  There is a real sense of unity and an enormous drive to succeed and we know from experience just how highly contagious that enthusiasm can be!

So, we're seeing our current small size not as a negative, but as a phenomenal opportunity!  This is your chance to hop onto the plane right before it takes off...  

If you're brand new to the idea of singing, this is the moment to get on board whilst we're small enough to give you extra time and support - and whilst several of the songs we're choosing are not only fun to sing, but suitable for complete beginners!  We passionately believe that anyone can sing and we love taking people under our wings and watching them blossom, so if you've always wanted to give it a try, why not come along to a rehearsal and see what we get up to?!

If you've sung in choirs before, this is your chance to get really involved, sharing your valuable experience and ideas with a group who are determined to grow and develop.  Your skills could be just what we're looking for, so please do come along and share them with us!

Either way, you're not going to be faced with a sea of strangers when you walk through our doors.  Instead, you'll be greeted by a welcoming group of potential new friends - a group small enough to be unintimidating, but large enough to still make one heck of a fabulous sound when we get going! 

So, if you're looking for the next big thing in your life, this could be it!  This is the chance to be a part of the More Harmony story.  It's your opportunity to find your voice, learn a new skill, make new friends and discover the wealth of physical and mental health benefits that singing can bring - and you'll be doing it with a friendly group of women who believe in lifting one another up and encouraging each other to be the absolute best we can be!  We might be biased, but we don't think it gets much better than that!

If you're a woman aged 16 or above and you'd like to take this opportunity to get involved, drop us a line at and we'll be very happy to answer any questions you may have.  Alternatively, you can message us via our Facebook page or simply turn up to a rehearsal and check us out in person!  We rehearse every Thursday at Wadebridge Ambulance Hall (opposite the social club and just down the side road from The Regal Cinema), starting at 7:15pm.  Doors open from shortly before 7pm, so if you want to arrive early and have a bit of a chat with our MD Lesley before the fun starts, you're always welcome to do so!